What we believe and how we develop.

Beliefs rooted in the Bible partnered with a creative and experiential learning approach.

  • Increase Confidence
  • Embrace Adventure
  • Develop Resilience

Our development approach is one of the oldest in the books.

Our approach is modeled after the way Jesus engaged, developed, and discipled a group of leaders. God used this group of disciples to change the trajectory of mankind and launched the greatest force for justice and good in history. With over 30 years of student ministry, leadership development, and corporate training experience we feel we have the right approach to fostering transformational growth.  

Jesus spent quality time with his disciples, he taught in the synagogue, explored creation, and did life with them. They walked in vineyards, fished in the waters, and served others together learning profound lessons about themselves, Jesus, and the kingdom of God along the way.  This intentional approach to developing people is a model that is still transforming lives over two thousand years later. 

And it’s how we believe the next generation of young adults can be impacted to carry on the legacy of good work that Christ started with the disciples.  



Creation as a Laboratory

The wilderness provides the perfect context for growth and learning. Students are moved beyond their comfort zones, forced to deal with perceived risk, and muster grit to accomplish even the simplest tasks.

Experiential Education

We create experiences that provide a controlled environment to practice lessons, apply principals, and receive real time feedback on their progress. 

World-class Content

We’ve developed a library of curated discipleship and leadership content. Alongside learning from, and interacting with, experts with a Kingdom focus on a variety of fields.

Authentic Community

Our cohorts build deep and lasting community for every member of BEYOND Journeys. They practice the application of grace and truth in relationships while creating lasting memories and shared experiences.


Our seasoned mentors facilitate learnings and discussions with all of our cohorts while also investing individually into each members life. Each mentor is carefully vetted and trained and has a passion for the next generation.


  • We believe that God inspired the Bible, and in it He reveals His nature and mission, that the Bible is the final source of truth, and is without error. 2 Tim. 3:16-17, Isaiah 34:16, Deut. 4:1-2

  • We believe that God is the only true, sovereign God, eternally existing in three equal persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. John 16:13-15, 2 Peter 1:19-21, Acts 2:16-47 
  • We believe that Jesus Christ is the living Son of God. We believe that He took human form, was crucified, buried, rose and ascended into heaven, and that He will come again and will establish God’s kingdom forever. Isaiah 7:14, Matt. 1:18-23, Matt. 28:1-6
  • We believe that God loves all people, created them to have a personal relationship with Him, and to worship Him, but we all fall short of this purpose. Heb 9:14, Col. 1:21-22, John 11:25-27
  • We believe that all choose to disobey God, turn away from him, and as such we are guilty of sin and deserve condemnation and eternal separation from Him. Romans 1:19-22, Romans 5:12, Eph. 2:1-22, Col 3:9-11 
  • We believe that we can only be saved through faith in Jesus Christ, and that His death on the cross atoned for our sins and restores our relationship to God. 1 Cor. 15:21-22, Romans 5:6, Col. 1:21-22 
  • We believe that the Holy Spirit is at work in the lives of those who trust and follow Jesus, serving as a guide, encourager, and providing the strength needed to fulfill their purpose. Romans 8:9-27, 1 Cor. 2:10-14, Acts 2:38
  • We believe that those who repent of their sins and trust in Christ will spend eternity with Him.  Those who do not repent and believe in Christ will spend eternity separated from Him. Matt. 16:27, Acts 17:26-31, Romans 1:19-32
  • We believe that Jesus Christ commissions His followers to serve other in love, to share the truth of the Gospel, and to make disciples of all peoples around the world. Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 13:1-3, John 20:21

It's Time to go beyond. Apply now for your experience.

© 2023 BEYOND. All rights reserved.

two ways to go beyond

Embark on a


  • 3-5 day Immersive Experience
  • 3 Months of group and individual mentoring
  • Designed to be experienced while taking classes, working full-time, etc.
  • Everything needed included in the cost
  • BEYOND Swag

Embark on a


  • Can be completed in either a continuous 9 month experience or divided into three month "sections"
  • 3-4 Weekend Experiences with your Cohort
  • Monthly Group and Individual Mentorship
  • Designed to be experienced while taking classes, working full-time, etc.
  • Access to Professional and Mentor Network
  • Next Cohort Launches Sept. 2024